que tan seguro es novibet

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    que tan seguro es novibet

    O solst铆cio de ver茫o chega que tan seguro es novibet 20 de junho

    Se voc锚 anseia por dias longos e noites curtas, ent茫o essa pode 馃捀 ser a melhor data do ano para voc锚 e seus companheiros de procuradores de luz solar.

    O solst铆cio de ver茫o 茅 馃捀 na quinta-feira, 20 de junho. 脡 o dia mais longo e a noite mais curta no Hemisf茅rio Norte. Tamb茅m 茅 馃捀 o primeiro dia oficial do ver茫o.

    Nossos ancestrais certamente notaram a ocorr锚ncia anual. Alguns de seus monumentos foram alinhados precisamente para 馃捀 marcar o solst铆cio de ver茫o (olhando para voc锚 Stonehenge).

    As celebra莽玫es pag茫s do dia continuam nos tempos modernos. Eventos incluem encontros 馃捀 que tan seguro es novibet Stonehenge na Inglaterra, a celebra莽茫o da Noite de S茫o Jo茫o na Su茅cia e a Noite de Ivan Kupala que tan seguro es novibet 馃捀 partes da Europa Oriental.

    O espelho da solst铆cio de inverno, o solst铆cio de ver茫o est谩 historicamente ligado 脿 fertilidade - tanto 馃捀 da variedade vegetal quanto humana - que tan seguro es novibet destinos que tan seguro es novibet todo o mundo.

    A ci锚ncia do solst铆cio e suas tradi莽玫es t锚m fascinado 馃捀 as pessoas h谩 mil锚nios.

    O solst铆cio de ver茫o ocorre que tan seguro es novibet todo o mundo?

    N茫o. Isso ocorre apenas no Hemisf茅rio Norte, onde quase 馃捀 90% da popula莽茫o mundial reside. As pessoas ao sul do equador, que tan seguro es novibet locais como o Chile, 脕frica do Sul e 馃捀 Austr谩lia, est茫o tendo seu solst铆cio de inverno e o dia mais curto do ano l谩.

    Quando 茅 o solst铆cio de ver茫o 馃捀 de 2024?

    Ele cair谩 脿s 20:51 UTC (Coordenada Universal de Tempo) que tan seguro es novibet 20 de junho. Sua hora local que tan seguro es novibet rela莽茫o 脿 馃捀 UTC determina o hor谩rio e mesmo a data que tan seguro es novibet que o solst铆cio ocorre para voc锚. Por exemplo, 茅 1:51 pm 馃捀 que tan seguro es novibet Los Angeles, 4:51 pm que tan seguro es novibet Nova York, 9:51 pm que tan seguro es novibet Londres e 5:51 am de 21 de junho que tan seguro es novibet 馃捀 T贸quio. O Earthsky.org tem uma ferramenta 煤til de convers茫o de fuso hor谩rio.

    Quem recebe a maior quantidade de luz solar?

    As diferen莽as 馃捀 na quantidade de luz do dia se tornam muito dram谩ticas 脿 medida que se aproxima dos polos e se afasta 馃捀 do equador. Na capital do Equador, Quito, apenas ao norte do equador, as pessoas apenas notam uma pequena diferen莽a. Eles 馃捀 obt锚m apenas uma medida adicional de seis e meio minutos de luz do dia.

    Mas os residentes de Helsinque, Finl芒ndia, no 馃捀 norte, ter茫o uma sa铆da do sol 脿s 3:54 da manh茫 e quase 19 horas de luz do dia. Mesmo a 馃捀 noite n茫o fica escura. Os moradores de Fairbanks no interior da Alaska central podem rir das 19 horas. Eles ter茫o 馃捀 quase 22 horas de luz do dia, e cortinas pretas podem ser necess谩rias.

    Por que n茫o temos 12 horas de luz 馃捀 do dia todo o ano?

    As pessoas que tan seguro es novibet todo o planeta realmente obtiveram doses quase iguais de dia e noite h谩 馃捀 tr锚s meses durante o equin贸cio da primavera. Mas a quantidade de luz solar no Hemisf茅rio Norte tem aumentado diariamente desde 馃捀 ent茫o. Isso porque a Terra est谩 alinhada que tan seguro es novibet um eixo, um eixo imagin谩rio passando pelo centro do nosso planeta. Mas 馃捀 esse eixo inclina - que tan seguro es novibet um 芒ngulo de 23,5 graus.

    "Enquanto a Terra orbita o sol [uma vez por ano], seu 馃捀 eixo inclinado sempre aponta na mesma dire莽茫o. Portanto, ao longo do ano, diferentes partes da Terra recebem os raios solares 馃捀 diretos", explica a NASA. Quando o sol atinge o apogeu no Hemisf茅rio Norte, isso 茅 o solst铆cio de ver茫o. Depois 馃捀 disso, os dias come莽am a ficar mais curtos novamente at茅 que alcancemos a divis茫o de 12 horas dia/noite no equin贸cio 馃捀 da queda.

    Isso 茅 tamb茅m o momento mais quente do ano?

    Normalmente, n茫o, embora essa semana seja quente que tan seguro es novibet muita parte dos 馃捀 EUA.

    "Em m茅dia, a grande maioria dos EUA experimenta suas temperaturas mais quentes que tan seguro es novibet julho ou in铆cio de agosto", diz o 馃捀 Produtor Senior de Tempo Taylor Ward.

    "As temperaturas continuam a subir ap贸s o solst铆cio de ver茫o porque a quantidade de energia 馃捀 que entra do sol continua a ser maior do que a quantidade de energia perdida 脿 noite - 茅 basicamente 馃捀 um ac煤mulo de calor at茅 que a dura莽茫o da luz do dia seja suficiente para que isso mude", diz Ward. 馃捀 "A 煤nica 谩rea do pa铆s que realmente v锚 suas temperaturas mais altas que tan seguro es novibet junho, coincidindo com o dia mais longo 馃捀 de luz do dia, 茅 partes do Sudoeste" devido 脿 temporada chuvosa nuvenosa que tan seguro es novibet julho e agosto l谩.

    O mesmo padr茫o 馃捀 geral de temperatura se mant茅m que tan seguro es novibet locais como o Jap茫o e grande parte da Europa.

    O que Stonehenge tem a ver 馃捀 com o solst铆cio de ver茫o?

    As pedras antigas do monumento no sudoeste da Inglaterra datam de cerca de 2500 AC foram 馃捀 alinhadas pelos seus fabricantes astron么mica e

    O eixo central de Stonehenge foi alinhado com a alvorada do sol no solst铆cio de 馃捀 ver茫o e o p么r do sol no solst铆cio de inverno, de modo que as pedras exatamente enquadram a sa铆da e 馃捀 a p么r do sol quando os dias estiverem que tan seguro es novibet seu mais longo e mais curto. E ainda funciona como um 馃捀 rel贸gio que tan seguro es novibet tempos modernos.

    A sociedade English Heritage organiza encontros que tan seguro es novibet Stonehenge para o solst铆cio de ver茫o e produz um fluxo 馃捀 ao vivo do nascer do sol.

    Existem outras tradi莽玫es culturais que tan seguro es novibet torno do solst铆cio de ver茫o?

    Na Su茅cia, a celebra莽茫o da Noite 馃捀 de S茫o Jo茫o est谩 ligada ao solst铆cio, sempre sendo realizada na sexta-feira que cai que tan seguro es novibet qualquer data de 19 a 馃捀 25 de junho. Ma莽茫s, dan莽a folcl贸rica e rituais rom芒nticos s茫o o que o dia 茅 sobre.

    Na Ucr芒nia e que tan seguro es novibet alguns 馃捀 outros lugares na Europa Oriental, o solst铆cio de ver茫o est谩 conectado com a Noite de Ivan Kupala - uma festa 馃捀 com conota莽玫es rom芒nticas para muitos eslavos. As pessoas dan莽am, colocam guirlandas floridas na 谩gua e se re煤nem que tan seguro es novibet volta de 馃捀 fogueiras.

    Na 脥ndia, a terra natal da antiga pr谩tica do yoga, o solst铆cio de ver茫o 茅 tradicionalmente celebrado com sess玫es de 馃捀 yoga que tan seguro es novibet massa que tan seguro es novibet todo o pa铆s. E o Dia Internacional do Yoga das Na莽玫es Unidas cai todos os anos 馃捀 no solst铆cio de ver茫o.

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    Inner Borough of London, England

    "Newham" redirects here. For other uses, see Newham (disambiguation)

    London borough in United Kingdom

    The London Borough of 2锔忊儯 Newham is a London borough created in 1965 by the London Government Act 1963. It covers an area previously administered 2锔忊儯 by the Essex county boroughs of West Ham and East Ham, authorities that were both abolished by the same act. 2锔忊儯 The name Newham reflects its creation and combines the compass points of the old borough names. Situated in the Inner 2锔忊儯 London part of East London, Newham has a population of 387,576, which is the third highest of the London boroughs 2锔忊儯 and also makes it the 16th most populous district in England. The local authority is Newham London Borough Council.

    It is 2锔忊儯 5 miles (8 km) east of the City of London, north of the River Thames (the Woolwich Ferry and Woolwich 2锔忊儯 foot tunnel providing the only crossings to the south), bounded by the River Lea to its west and the North 2锔忊儯 Circular Road to its east. Newham was one of the six host boroughs for the 2012 Summer Olympics and contains 2锔忊儯 most of the Olympic Park including the London Stadium, and also contains the London City Airport. Major districts include East 2锔忊儯 Ham, West Ham, Stratford, Plaistow, Forest Gate, Beckton and Canning Town.

    History [ edit ]

    The borough was formed on 1 April 2锔忊儯 1965 under the London Government Act 1963, as a borough of the newly formed Greater London. It broadly covered the 2锔忊儯 areas of the county borough of East Ham and the county borough of West Ham that were abolished by the 2锔忊儯 same act. These in turn were successors to the ancient civil and ecclesiastical parishes of East Ham and West Ham. 2锔忊儯 Green Street and Boundary Road mark the former boundary between the two. North Woolwich also became part of the borough 2锔忊儯 (previously being part of the Metropolitan Borough of Woolwich, south of the river Thames in the County of London) along 2锔忊儯 with a small area west of the River Roding which had previously been part of the Municipal Borough of Barking. 2锔忊儯 Newham was devised for the borough as an entirely new name.[1]

    Manor of Ham [ edit ]

    The area of the modern 2锔忊儯 borough was at one time occupied by a manor (an estate or landholding with certain legal responsibilities) called 'Ham'. The 2锔忊儯 name comes from Old English 'hamm' and means 'a dry area of land between rivers or marshland', referring to the 2锔忊儯 location of the settlement within boundaries formed by the rivers Lea, Thames and Roding and their marshes.[2]

    The first known written 2锔忊儯 use of the term, as 'Hamme', is in an Anglo-Saxon charter of 958, in which King Edgar granted the area 2锔忊儯 to Ealdorman Athelstan. The territory was undivided at that time. A subsequent charter of 1037 describes a transfer of land 2锔忊儯 which has been identified with East Ham, indicating that the division of the territory occurred between 958 and 1037.[3]

    The Domesday 2锔忊儯 Book shows landholdings divided further, and by the end of the 12th century these manors were being served, singly or 2锔忊儯 in groups of manors, by the familiar ancient parishes of West Ham, East Ham and Little Ilford (now also known 2锔忊儯 as Manor Park), with some areas by the Roding a part of Barking, and the area now known as North 2锔忊儯 Woolwich attached to Woolwich. The earliest recorded use of the name West Ham, Westhamma, comes in 1186, and East Ham, 2锔忊儯 Estham, is recorded in 1204.[4]

    The boundary between West and East Ham was drawn from the now lost Hamfrith Waste and 2锔忊儯 Hamfrith Wood in the north (then the southernmost parts of Epping Forest which extended as far south as the Romford 2锔忊儯 Road at that time), along Green Street down to the small, also lost, natural harbour known as Ham Creek. Ham 2锔忊儯 Creek was filled-in in the nineteenth century,[5] but the small residual head of the creek still formed the boundary between 2锔忊儯 the two areas into the late 20th century, when what remained was also filled in.

    The formation of the modern borough 2锔忊儯 in 1965 saw the merger of West and East Ham, together with North Woolwich and Barking west of the River 2锔忊儯 Roding. Little Ilford had become part of East Ham as part of earlier local government reorganisations.

    Medieval period [ edit ]

    The 2锔忊儯 prosperity of the area increased due to the construction of Bow Bridge, the only bridge over the Lea, and the 2锔忊儯 creation of Stratford Langthorne Abbey.

    Governance [ edit ]

    A map showing the wards of Newham since 2002

    Unlike most English districts, its 2锔忊儯 council is led by a directly elected mayor of Newham. From 2002 to 2009 one of the councillors had been 2锔忊儯 appointed as the "civic ambassador" and performed the civic and ceremonial role previously carried out by the mayor. The post 2锔忊儯 has been discontinued.[6]

    At the borough elections held in 2014, the Labour Party won all 60 of the seats on the 2锔忊儯 council. Sir Robin Wales was re-elected as the borough's Executive Mayor with 61% of the first preference votes cast.

    In 2024, 2锔忊儯 Robin Wales was deselected as the Labour Party mayoral candidate. Rokhsana Fiaz was elected in the position of Executive Mayor, 2锔忊儯 also for the Labour party.[7]

    Coat of arms [ edit ]

    The borough adopted West Ham's coat of arms, but with a 2锔忊儯 motto adapted from that of East Ham.[8]

    The arms include the following elements:

    The crosier signified the Cistercian Stratford Langthorne Abbey.

    The sword 2锔忊儯 and the red and yellow chevronells are taken from the arms of William de Montfitchet, a major local landowner and 2锔忊儯 founder of the abbey.

    The crossed hammers represent the Thames Ironworks and Shipbuilding Company, once a major local employer.

    The ship in 2锔忊儯 full sail represents the maritime trades and the area's links to the sea.

    The arms also include a sun rising in 2锔忊儯 the east.

    The borough's motto, "Progress with the People" is an English translation of East Ham's Latin "Progressio cum Populo".

    Greater London 2锔忊儯 representation [ edit ]

    For elections to the Greater London Council, the borough formed the Newham electoral division, electing three members. 2锔忊儯 In 1973 it was divided into the single-member Newham North East, Newham North West and Newham South electoral divisions.[9] The 2锔忊儯 Greater London Council was abolished in 1986.

    Since 2000, for elections to the London Assembly, the borough forms part of the 2锔忊儯 City and East constituency.

    Demography [ edit ]

    Population pyramid of Newham in 2024

    Population figures [ edit ]

    Population Year Pop. 卤% 1801 2锔忊儯 8,875 鈥?1811 11,166 +25.8% 1821 13,005 +16.5% 1831 15,553 +19.6% 1841 17,758 +14.2% 1851 24,875 +40.1% 1861 69,355 +178.8% 2锔忊儯 1871 113,835 +64.1% 1881 158,314 +39.1% 1891 259,155 +63.7% 1901 338,506 +30.6% 1911 442,158 +30.6% 1921 448,081 +1.3% 1931 454,096 2锔忊儯 +1.3% 1941 377,508 鈭?6.9% 1951 313,837 鈭?6.9% 1961 271,858 鈭?3.4% 1971 235,496 鈭?3.4% 1981 209,131 鈭?1.2% 1991 221,146 +5.7% 2001 2锔忊儯 243,737 +10.2% 2011 307,984 +26.4% 2024 351,030 +14.0% Source: A Vision of Britain through time, citing Census population

    Newham has, after 2锔忊儯 Barnet and Croydon, the third highest population of the London boroughs, with a population numbering 382,984 as of 2024. Despite 2锔忊儯 growing since the 1980s, it is still drastically lower than its pre-war peak. In the period between 1951 and 1981, 2锔忊儯 Newham's population shrunk by 28.87% owing to factors such as the war bombings and the increasingly high unemployment. The redevelopment 2锔忊儯 of the Docklands as well as development related to the 2012 Olympics have contributed to reversing its declining trend.[10]

    Ethnicities [ 2锔忊儯 edit ]

    Population pyramid of Newham by ethnicity in 2024

    Ethnic makeup of Newham in single year age groups in 2024

    UK born 2锔忊儯 and foreign born population pyramid in Newham in 2024. Males and females representing the UK born population while foreign males 2锔忊儯 and females representing the foreign born population.

    Newham has the youngest overall population and one of the lowest White British populations 2锔忊儯 in the country according to the 2011 UK Census. The borough has the second-highest percentage of Muslims in the UK, 2锔忊儯 after the neighbouring London Borough of Tower Hamlets, at 32%. A 2024 report from Trust for London and the New 2锔忊儯 Policy Institute found that 36% of local employees in Newham are in low paid work; the highest percentage of any 2锔忊儯 London borough. Newham also has a 37% poverty rate, which is the second-highest rate in London.[11]

    Newham is very ethnically diverse. 2锔忊儯 When using Simpson's Diversity Index on 10 aggregated ethnic groups, the 2001 UK Census identified Newham as the most ethnically 2锔忊儯 diverse district in England and Wales, with 9 wards in the top 15.[12] However, when using the 16 ethnic categories 2锔忊儯 in the Census so that White Irish and White Other ethnic minorities are also included in the analysis, Newham becomes 2锔忊儯 the second-most ethnically diverse borough[13] with six out of the top 15 wards, behind Brent with 7 out of the 2锔忊儯 top 15 wards.

    Newham has the lowest percentage of White British residents of all of London's boroughs.[14][15] The joint-lowest wards with 2锔忊儯 White British population are Green Street East and Green Street West, each having 4.8% 鈥?the third-lowest behind Southall Broadway 2锔忊儯 and Southall Green in Ealing. East Ham North follows closely, at 4.9%.[16]

    As of the 2024 UK census, people of "Bangladeshi" 2锔忊儯 ethnicity are the largest single group in the borough at 15.9%. "White British" are the second largest group at 14.8%, 2锔忊儯 with "White Other" third largest at 14.6%, "African" fourth largest at 11.6%, "Indian" next largest at 11% and then "Pakistani" 2锔忊儯 at 8.9%. Newham has had a large Asian community for many decades; more than half of Newham's Upton and Kensington 2锔忊儯 wards were of ethnic minority origin in 1981.[17] The nationality to increase the most in number since 1991 is the 2锔忊儯 Bangladeshi community.[18] Newham has the largest total population of Asian origin in London; it is notably a borough with high 2锔忊儯 populations of all three largest British Asian nationalities, having the 5th highest Indian population in London and the 2nd highest 2锔忊儯 each for both Pakistani and Bangladeshi.[19]

    Newham has 1,340 residents who were born in Ukraine, the highest population of Ukrainians in 2锔忊儯 the UK.[20]

    Health [ edit ]

    In 2024, Newham had the lowest life expectancy and the highest rate of heart disease of 2锔忊儯 all London boroughs together with the London Borough of Tower Hamlets.[26]

    In 2024, the BBC reported that Newham had the highest 2锔忊儯 rate of tuberculosis in the UK at 107 per 100000 population, which was higher than Rwanda (69) and Iraq (45) 2锔忊儯 according to WHO figures from 2013. More than 80% of TB cases in London occur in people born abroad. The 2锔忊儯 UK average was 13.[27]

    Religion [ edit ]

    Religious makeup of Newham by single year age groups in 2024

    The following table shows 2锔忊儯 the religious identity of residents residing in Newham according to the 2001, 2011 and the 2024 censuses.

    Religion 2001[29] 2011[30] 2024[31] 2锔忊儯 Number % Number % Number % Christian 114,247 46.8 123,119 40.0 123,746 35.3 Muslim 59,293 24.3 98,456 32.0 122,146 34.8 2锔忊儯 Jewish 481 0.2 342 0.1 448 0.1 Hindu 16,901 6.9 26,962 8.8 21,405 6.1 Sikh 6,897 2.8 6,421 2.1 5,638 2锔忊儯 1.6 Buddhism 1,592 0.7 2,446 0.8 2,160 0.6 Other religion 664 0.3 1,090 0.4 1,765 0.5 No religion 21,978 9.0 2锔忊儯 29,373 9.5 50,795 14.5 Religion not stated 21,838 9.0 19,775 6.4 22,933 6.5 Total 243,891 100.00% 307,894 100.00% 351,100 100.0%

    Education 2锔忊儯 [ edit ]

    A 2024 report by Trust for London and the New Policy Institute finds that the GCSE attainment gap 2锔忊儯 between advantaged and disadvantaged pupils in Newham is the 4th best out of 32 London boroughs.[32]

    Schools and colleges [ edit 2锔忊儯 ]

    The Borough is the education authority for the district providing education in a mix of Foundation, community and voluntary aided 2锔忊儯 schools.[33] The borough also owns and operates Debden House, a residential adult education college in Loughton, Essex, and is home 2锔忊儯 to the Rosetta Art Centre, a dedicated visual art organisation which delivers courses at its base in Stratford and produces 2锔忊儯 participatory art projects, programmes and initiatives. The Essex Primary School in Sheridan Road with over 900 pupils is one of 2锔忊儯 the biggest primary schools in London.

    University [ edit ]

    The University of East London has two campuses in Newham:

    Birkbeck Stratford is 2锔忊儯 a collaboration between Birkbeck, University of London and UEL to increase participation in adult learning. This is based on the 2锔忊儯 UEL/Birkbeck shared campus, USS (University Square Stratford), in the centre of Stratford.

    The University of East London had formed a partnership 2锔忊儯 with the United States Olympic Committee which resulted in the United States Olympic Team using University of East London campuses 2锔忊儯 as training bases during the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games.[34]

    Places of interest [ edit ]

    Community [ edit ]

    The Hub, 2锔忊儯 a community resource centre built by the local community, in Star Lane, E16, featuring up to the minute "green" features 2锔忊儯 [ clarification needed ]

    Grassroots, another innovative green resource centre built by the community. Grassroots is in Memorial Recreation Ground, E15

    Rosetta 2锔忊儯 Art Centre, situated in walking distance to Grassroots, also in E15

    Libraries [ edit ]

    Newham has ten libraries (Beckton, Canning Town, 2锔忊儯 Custom House, East Ham, Green Street, Manor Park, North Woolwich, Plaistow, Stratford and Forest Gate).[35]

    Museums [ edit ]

    North Woolwich Old 2锔忊儯 Station Museum. Closed in 2008. [36]

    Three Mills, a mill complex on the east bank of the River Lea. A trading 2锔忊儯 site for nearly a thousand years, the House Mill was built in 1776 and was (and remains) the country's largest 2锔忊儯 tide mill. It has been restored and contains much of its original machinery including four large waterwheels, millstones and grain 2锔忊儯 chutes.

    Markets [ edit ]

    There are a number of local markets in the Borough, including Queens Market, which the council was 2锔忊儯 controversially seeking to redevelop. The proposal was successfully opposed by Friends of Queens Market.

    Parks and open spaces [ edit ]

    80 2锔忊儯 hectares within the borough are designated as part of the Metropolitan Green Belt.

    Performance [ edit ]

    Green Street where the population 2锔忊儯 is predominantly South Asian

    Shopping and exhibitions [ edit ]

    Sport [ edit ]

    Newspapers [ edit ]

    The local newspaper is the Newham 2锔忊儯 Recorder.[39]

    Districts [ edit ]

    See List of districts in the London Borough of Newham for the full list, including neighbourhoods or 2锔忊儯 localities which form part of the areas listed below.

    Building 1000 鈥?Newham Council Headquarters

    Parishes [ edit ]

    The borough is covered 2锔忊儯 by the following ecclesiastical parishes of the Church of England:

    Transport [ edit ]

    Since the 1980s, public transport in Newham has 2锔忊儯 undergone many upgrades and improvements are still continuing to this day.

    The Docklands Light Railway (DLR) first opened in 1987, and 2锔忊儯 was extended from Tower Hamlets through to Beckton in 1994. The network and has undergone many extensions since, including to 2锔忊儯 serve London City Airport, as well as Stratford International station in 2011 after its High Speed 1 link opened in 2锔忊儯 late 2009. The Jubilee Line Extension was completed in 1999, including new or improved stations at Canning Town, West Ham 2锔忊儯 and Stratford. The DLR network compensates for Newham's lack of tube stations, of which there are only 6, in comparison 2锔忊儯 with other London boroughs. The Crossrail scheme - opening as the Elizabeth line in 2024 - also delivered improved rail 2锔忊儯 connections to several stations as it heads through the borough on an east west axis. Of the 28 stations in 2锔忊儯 Newham, only 4 stations lack step free access - thanks to the recent age of many of the stations in 2锔忊儯 the borough.

    As a result of all the recent developments, the borough contains one of only two airports located within the 2锔忊儯 Greater London boundary and currently the only railway station outside of central London that is served by high speed rail.

    London 2锔忊儯 City Airport is in Newham

    List of stations [ edit ]

    Travel to work [ edit ]

    In March 2011, the main forms 2锔忊儯 of transport that residents used to travel to work were: underground, metro, light rail, tram, 23.0% of all residents aged 2锔忊儯 16鈥?4; driving a car or van, 7.6%; bus, minibus or coach, 7.6%; train, 7.2%; on foot, 4.1%; work mainly at 2锔忊儯 or from home, 1.4%; bicycle, 1.0%.[40]

    River services [ edit ]

    Woolwich Ferry

    Royal Wharf

    Cable car [ edit ]

    International services [ edit ]

    Bus 2锔忊儯 routes [ edit ]

    Over 30 London Buses bus routes serve the London Borough of Newham, with main interchanges at Stratford, 2锔忊儯 Stratford City and Beckton bus stations, with large bus interchanges also available at East Ham and Upton Park.[42]

    Town twinning [ 2锔忊儯 edit ]

    Newham is twinned with:

    Freedom of the Borough [ edit ]

    The following people and military units have received the Freedom 2锔忊儯 of the Borough of Newham.

    Individuals [ edit ]

    Military Units [ edit ]

    G Company 7th Battalion The Rifles: 23 June 2012.[45]

    Notable 2锔忊儯 people [ edit ]

    See also [ edit ]

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